Oct. 1st, 2011 31 Days of Renewing: Day 1 ~ Why Renewing?

Romans 12:2 ~ Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (ESV)

31 days of renewing . . . 31 posts on one subject?

I’m fine now.
So, seriously, why spend 31 days on renewing?
Short Answer: Because I have a mind that needs renewing.
Longer Answer: Because renewing my mind isn’t just a good idea. It’s a command. And one I have never taken seriously. But as I read and study, I’ve come face to face with a shocking reality.
My mind is messed up.
Go ahead. Laugh. Come on back when you’re through.
I realize I set myself up for that one, but in this case I’m not talking about the fact that clutter annoys me, that I like to read magazines from front to back with no skipping around or that I could spend hours in Staples just looking at pens and notebooks.
I’m talking about things that matter.
My mind runs everything through a filter that is made up of my experiences, my beliefs and my emotions and what it spits out isn’t always accurate. What I perceive is not always real. What I believe to be fact is not always true.
Over the next 31 days, I’m going to explore what it means to renew our minds. I hope to unearth some of the lies we believe and plant Truth in their place. I long to discover what renewing my mind looks like in real life. I expect that I’ll find that I dwell more on earthly things than heavenly things, but I’m excited to search out what the Bible says about what we should set our minds on.
I’d love for you to join me as I take this journey.
Please know that this will be a process of discovery. I don’t have 31 posts written in advance. The posts may seem random and disorganized, but I plan to write about what God is showing me.
I hope you enjoy coming along for the ride and I’d love to hear your thoughts about renewing your mind. Have you ever made a conscious effort to change your mindset? Tell us about it in the comments!


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  1. Mimi says:

    Great topic! Glad you selected it. The fact that we even get to renew our minds is such a blessing. Look forward to reading more.

  2. admin says:

    Hi Mimi – Thanks for stopping by. And you make a wonderful point. It is a blessing isn't it! BTW – love your 31 Day plan. As a Clemson alum, I'm a HUGE fan of all things orange!

  3. Lucilu says:

    I read (and loved) your review of Grace for the Good Girl and learned about your new "project." I plan to check in daily in hopes that I grow along with you! Thank you for sharing your walk.

  4. admin says:

    Lucilu – Thanks! Looking forward to growing with you!