Oct. 8th, 2011 Day 8 ~ You want me to do more?

Can you believe we are on Day 8?

If you’ve missed any of the previous posts, you can find a list of all of them here.

Today’s post wasn’t in my original plan. I intended to dive into some of the many Scriptures that talk about our minds and what we should think about.

But I kept getting hung up on the word “should.”

The Bible is quite clear. There are things we are commanded to think about. And there are things we are commanded to put aside.

But I have to tell you, to me, that last sentence smacks of legalism. More items on the “Do” list. More items on the “Don’t” list.

Part of me wants to throw up my hands and say, “You want me to do more?” Because I just don’t have much “more” available. I’m running on fumes most of the time and the idea of doing “more” – well, to be honest, it kinda freaks me out.

So before we go any further, let’s get this clear, settled, and renewed in our minds.

In the days ahead, when we talk about setting our minds on things above, having the mind of Christ, dwelling on what is pure, and all that God is going to show us, we must remember one more thing.

Renewing our minds doesn’t require us to do more. It requires us to think more.

Or, as I heard it put a few weeks ago, we aren’t talking about adding to the to-do list.

We’re talking about re-purposing the to-do list. (Don’t you love that!)

When we read that we are to think about things above, that doesn’t mean we don’t think about earthly things like getting our oil changed (note to self…get oil changed this week). It means that we choose to think about earthly things in light of eternity.

What if we chose to splash some grace into the service station? To bring Jesus into the waiting area?

I know. It’s a whole new way of thinking, isn’t it?!

If you’re anything like me, you don’t usually think that way. You think about how long it’s going to take, how much it’s going to cost, how many things you would rather be doing, and whether or not the kids will make it through the hour without tearing anything apart. (OK, maybe you don’t think that way, but I do).

But what if my oil change is about so much more than car maintenance? What if there’s someone there who needs to see Jesus, lived out, right in front of them? But what if I miss it because I go through my day without giving a second (or even a first) thought to the redemptive dance God is choreographing all around me?

So as we move forward and we talk about filling our minds with the Word, thinking about things that are true, taking thoughts captive, and having minds that are stayed on Jesus, let’s remember this . . . it’s not about doing more in order to be good and stay on God’s good side so we don’t get in big trouble.

It’s about thinking more about Him. About His Kingdom. About the redemptive plan He is – at this very moment – implementing, and about our part in it.

Later this month, we’ll be talking about how “doing” is often a by-product of “thinking”. It’s impossible to focus on what God is up to and not want to be an active participant in the fun!

But we’re also going to talk about how God never intended for us lead the hectic lives most of us are experiencing. Could it be that as we focus on things above, the items on our to-do list change?

Could it be that there will be fewer items on the to-do list than we started with?

Maybe when we say, “God, do you want me to do more?”

He smiles and says, “No. I want to do more. Care to join me?”

It all starts with renewing…


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  1. Edie Melson says:

    Lynn, I'm loving this series! Thank you for your obedience!

  2. admin says:

    Thanks Edie! That means a lot to me!!