Jul. 14th, 2021 July 2021 – Just a Few Things I Love

The Best Pajamas Ever

I bought these pajamas on a whim. You’ll have to click here to see them because I love y’all, but I’m not posting a picture of myself in my pajamas! They were at Costco, the price was right, and they were just so soft. Y’all. These are the best! They are lightweight enough not to be stifling in the heat of a Southern summer, but provide enough coverage and coziness to deal with the chill of the A/C that runs all day long here. I now own two sets, and since Costco still had them available online, I’m about to own a few more! LOL!

Kindle Paperwhite

I am on record as being a reader who prefers a real book in my hand. And that hasn’t changed. But…y’all. Getting older does some crazy things to your eyes, and I love the way I can adjust the font/brightness on my Kindle Paperwhite. I also love that it doesn’t function as a tablet (the way the Kindle Fire does) and that I can read outside with ease. The other reason I love it is because it makes it super easy to read books that I download from the Libby app (see below for more details about Libby). 

Libby and Hoopla

This may be old news for some of you, but just in case… if you’re a fan of libraries (I am!) then you need to know about these two apps. These apps work through your library system, so depending on where you live, your experience may vary. The books available for you to borrow will be determined by your library. Where I live, my Libby app allows me to have 10 books checked out and 10 books on hold at any given time. My Hoopla app allows me to borrow 7 books a month. I typically borrow e-books through Libby, and audiobooks through Hoopla. The Libby app allows you to read directly on your phone/tablet, but you can also tell it you want to read the book on your Kindle, and it will push the book to your Kindle app. It is so easy and so convenient! The Hoopla app doesn’t have that capability, but since I mostly use it for audio books, it’s rarely an issue. 


In a lot of ways, I am still in my post-Covid brain fog. It is lifting, but I still have to push hard to get myself to be as productive as I’m used to being. Enter the Pomodoro Technique. Do y’all know about this? The idea is to spend 25 minutes on something, take a 5 minute break, then go another 25 minutes, then take another 5 minute break. After 4 pomodoros, take a longer break (15-20 minutes). I can usually psyche myself up for 25 minutes of effort, and once I get going, the momentum carries me through several tasks. I usually mix it up. I have a list of things I need to do and spend 25 minutes on one (say laundry or cleaning out a closet), then 25 minutes on another (say meal prep or paying bills) then 25 minutes on something else, then I circle back around. 

Mexican Pizza

While I was a student at Clemson, I probably ate at Taco Bell 2-3 times a week (that might be a conservative estimate). My favorite item on the menu? The Mexican Pizza. Well, imagine my delight when I ran across this healthier version. I’m hooked. So is my husband! I’ve done it with FlatOut flatbreads (my favorite) as well with a regular tortilla. Both worked just fine. 🙂 A little bit of taco meat, refried beans, cheese, your favorite toppings…what’s not to love! 

I’d love for you to share a few things you’re loving in the comments!

Grace and peace,

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1 Comment

  1. Valita says:

    Your pajamas look great! And I love that they have pockets!
    Someone told me about Hoopla, and I’m grateful, but I’m only allowed 5 books a month. Sigh. But they do have new ones that the library doesn’t have yet, which is great!
    Feel better soon! 🙏🏻🤗❤️