Sep. 5th, 2011 Mindful Mondays ~ Labor Days

Deuteronomy 33:25 ~ Your bars shall be iron and bronze, and as your days, so shall your strength be. (ESV)

Right now, I don’t feel like my bars are iron or bronze.
I feel like a half-way decent puff of wind could knock me over.
There is nothing sturdy about me.
I’m sleep deprived.
I’m a six months post-partum hormonal mess.
I haven’t had a significant break in a while. Any “breaks” have been used to try to accomplish some mammoth project.
I’m in serious need of a vacation.
And a massage.
Each day, my to-do list taunts me. Housework, laundry, cooking, shopping, feeding the baby six times a day, trying not to feed myself chocolate and failing, playing with my kids, snuggling with my baby, hanging out with my husband.
All good, important things.
But that’s not all I do.
As I write these words, I’m trying to get ahead on my blog posts. Not so I can coast for the next few weeks, but so I can complete two writing goals. Both of which are self-imposed. No one’s going to care if I don’t finish them.
Except me.
I’m exhausted just thinking about it.
But these words from Deuteronomy, the blessing that Jacob gave to the tribe of Asher, remind me that there will be enough strength to accomplish what God wants accomplished.
Not necessarily what I want accomplished.
So I’m planning. I’m praying. And I’m trying to hold my goals out in open hands.
I’m starting each day asking God to rule and reign over my day and my calendar. Then, I’m talking to Him about my to-do list and asking Him for my next step. I’m choosing to believe that what truly needs to get done will get done and I’m trying to stay open to the Spirit’s leading as I go through my day. (This method comes from Having A Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver).
Some days start this way, but by 7:13AM (more or less), I’ve grabbed the reins and I’m running the show. Those days always end in exhaustion and aggravation.
Some days I make it until noon.
It’s a rare day that I make it past supper.
Maybe you’re more spiritual than I am. But I find myself starting over several times a day. Handing the reins back to the One who gives me strength.
I’m not sure what your life is like right now. My guess is you could teach me a thing or two about hectic lives and crazy schedules.
So join me.
Don’t wait until tomorrow.
Ask God to take the reins right now. Ask Him as many times today as you need to. And then watch as He gives you strength to do what truly needs to be done.
You’ll have to repeat this process again tomorrow.
And the next day. And the next.
But when the winds blow and life threatens to take you down, you’ll feel His strength.
And you will stand.
Day by Day, sung by the Antrim Mennonite Choir


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  1. Lynn, would you believe I had just prayed that same prayer, closed my bible, picked up my computer…and read your post.

    What confirmation! Thank you!

  2. Lynn, I pray today that laundry would get folded, kids, fed and and a time of refreshment, creativity and peace would be yours–all yours! PS I am happy to donate myself for an afternoon of relief work or child tending.

  3. Cathy Baker says:

    Lynn, this has been my prayer as well, especially in recent weeks. The Martha/Mary book from Joanna Weaver is one of my favorites. Underlines throughout! Now I need to live it. 🙂 Thanks for sharing — praying for you!

  4. My prayer this morning was for God to prioritize my steps today – take the overwhelm mess and do what He would do….hang in there!