Apr. 23rd, 2012 Mindful Mondays :: Rejoice Until You’re Glad

Today’s blog post was supposed to be about something different.

But that was before the day ran off the rails.

I had big plans for this day. Some writing, some housework, some exercise, some laundry.

I even made plans to get my day off on the right foot. I went to bed a little earlier than I wanted to. I set my alarm for earlier than I wanted to. And I knew how I would be tackling the day’s list as soon as my feet hit the floor.

I did not plan for my feet to hit the floor at 3:30 a.m.

Or at 4:30 a.m.

I did not expect the “quiet time” I planned for 5:45 a.m. to include a fussy baby. Or for my early bird toddler to ask to play Starfall at 6:10 a.m.

Today I feel inadequate. So very much not enough. So frustrated by a day that refuses to cooperate.

So I took my aggravation to the only One who really gets it, and what did He have to say?

“This is the day that I have made. Rejoice. And be glad in it.”

Why He made a day this messed up is beyond me. (I asked. I think He chuckled. I’m so glad He loves me even when I’m being a smarty pants).
And honestly, I still feel on the edge of a breakdown. I’m tired. The scale didn’t move as much as I had hoped it would. The bills still have to be paid. The laundry will not fold itself. The baby’s going to wake up soon and he’s still going to be cutting four teeth at once.


  • My husband thinks I’m doing a great job.
  • My kids do, too.
  • My coffee tastes just right.
  • My sins are forgiven.
  • My standing before God is not dependent on how much I do today. It isn’t even dependent on my attitude or my behavior. I’m secure because of what Jesus did for me.
  • And, I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

Maybe I can even rejoice until I’m glad.

Has this Monday morning got you down? Take a minute and write down a few things you’re thankful for. A few things that are good and glorious. (You can start with the fact that you are breathing if you’re having a hard time coming up with anything.) And then if you feel like it, share a few things with me in the comments. I’d love to hear about what gives you a reason to rejoice!

I’ve been updating the Joy Dare page. It’s hard to stay grouchy when you count graces. Gladness stalks me with each line…

I’m looking for three gifts reflecting today…I’ll post them when I find them…I know they are out there!

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  1. Sandra says:

    You are doing an AWESOME job! Both you and Mel are great mothers and great wives. That's because you have good husbands(heeheehee)…they come from good stock. Oh well, keep on keeping on. Love you!!!

  2. Cathy Baker says:

    Let's see…first, I am grateful for friends like you who are incredibly transparent — giving us all hope. I'm also grateful for the sweet aroma of honeysuckle. I'm convinced heaven is zoned for this plant. And lastly, for a hubby who doesn't mind eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches…again. :)It's the little things in life, right?

    Praying for you, friend. Don't worry, BRMCWC isn't far away!!

  3. glenna says:

    PRAISE GOD !!!! my sin are forgiven
    It so wonderful to come together and share our blessings and thankfulness
    that GOD allows us to have and enjoy !!! Stopping by from Multitude on Monday
    Have a great 1440 today and each day

  4. TERESA says:

    I love you and am thankful you are my little sister!

  5. TERESA says:

    I love you and am thankful you are my little sister!

  6. Court says:

    Oooh I loathe nights like that where all night long you are in a constant flux instead of asleep. Thanking out way out of the hard days is the only way out though. I have found that to be true time and time again.

  7. admin says:

    Thanks Sandra!
    Cathy – I'm with you on the honeysuckle!!
    T – I love you too my dear only slightly older sister :-)!
    Glenna – So glad you stopped by! I love exploring the Multitude blogs!
    Court – love that idea – to thank your way out of the hard days! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Lynn, thanks for being so transparent. You show me that no matter what, I can praise Him anyway! A dear friend and mentor once said "when you can't praise God for your circumstances, just praise Him for who He is!" Love you!

  9. Although I got a bit of discouraging news today, I am thankful my husband (who is an AF pilot) is not in Iraq or Afghanistan right now. I can sit out on my patio and smell the confederate jasmine with each gentle push of the breeze as I write, and I have my yellow lab at my feet. Oh…scratch that last, he went to lay in the sun, but still close enough to make me smile.