Apr. 7th, 2011 Who has the time?

You may have noticed that I haven’t been blogging much lately.

That’s because it’s tricky to type while holding a six week old.

Not that it can’t be done.

I’m doing it right now!

God has been up to all sorts of interesting things in the past six months. The results of which are fabulous. And the method . . . well, let’s just say that God doesn’t do things the way I would.

I, for example, don’t recommend having a baby, moving into a new house and listing your old house, all within a few weeks.

Not that it can’t be done.

I’m doing it right now!

I’m also trusting that God’s timing for this massive transition is perfect for everyone, including me.

And I’m looking forward to getting back to my “normal” schedule . . . just as soon as I figure out what that is!

In the meantime, my monthly book review is up over at The Write Conversation. I’d love it if you’d stop by and say Hi!


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1 Comment

  1. Wow, and we're impressed with the Prov. 31 woman's day! Doesn't say she was a writer too, does it? Blessings of energy to you.